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Rodilyn T

Rodilyn T


Hi Employers.. I am 38 yrs old, Married and a Mother of 4 children. I have more than three yrs o...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Full-time

  • Shifts Overnight, Weekdays, Weeknights

  • About Me

    Hi Employers.. I am 38 yrs old, Married and a Mother of 4 children.
    I have more than three yrs of experienced. of taking care Elderly.
    And much experienced to take care of children as a Mother.
    I am honest, hardworking, respectful and willing to follow instruction.
    I have a first Aid and CPR certificate.
    I have Elderly Training Certificates
    I have finish in two years Trade Technology Major in Foods Technology at
    Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Phil.
    I am also comfortable with a Pet like dog I am more than three yrs of experienced
    how to taking care of dog.
    Thank you..

    • Education: Graduate degree
  • Qualifications
    • Basics
    • Skills
    • Extra
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