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Krishma P

Krishma P


Children are my favorite humans. Their innocence, curiosity, humor, and growth is all so enjoyabl...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Occasional, Part-time

  • Shifts Flexible/anytime, Weeknights

  • About Me

    Children are my favorite humans. Their innocence, curiosity, humor, and growth is all so enjoyable to both observe and be a part of. I have had the privilege of watching my niece (5) and nephew (3) grow into little people. Since their conception I've done everything from changing their diapers, to waking up in the middle of the night to give them their bottles. I'm often given the task of babysitting them, or having them over for sleepovers, in which I become their primary caregiver. We both highly enjoy the time we spend together. As for paid experience with children, in early high school I babysat my neighbor's children for a period of 2 years (boy was 7 and girl was 5). They would come over after school and I would provide them with snacks, help them complete their homework, and then we would do arts and crafts, or play sports outside. I have experience in the study of music so I would also hold music classes with them, which they really seemed to enjoy. Taking care of kids, being silly and creative with them as well as expanding and opening their horizons, comes easily to me. It has never felt like a job. I've grown up in a very large family and children have always been a natural part of it. I understand the boundaries between silly and inappropriate and I know how to keep children engaged and under control.

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