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Daniella P

Daniella P


My name is Daniella. So much to tell, but better to learn. I currently live in Ontario, but will ...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Full-time, Part-time

  • Shifts Flexible/anytime, Overnight, Weekdays, Weeknights

  • About Me

    My name is Daniella. So much to tell, but better to learn. I currently live in Ontario, but will be moving to Quebec in the next few weeks. I was born in the city and raised in the country. This is where I get the love and appreciation for the best of both worlds! I have a bubbly personality. I giggle A LOT and love to laugh and smile. I am a very enthusiastic outgoing person, I am very independent and love to have fun without any drama. I'm a summer kinda girl. I like things simple. I wish I could wear flip-flops year round and absolutely hate being cold. I have too many things I enjoy doing in my spare time.. so its hard to narrow them down! A few of them would be playing soccer, fitness, computers, dancing, arts and crafts (anything creative), sports, the outdoors, and of course working with kids. Friends and family are my life. I will advocate and fight for them until I cant anymore. From all my experiences in my life so far, I have learned many values and picked up a lot of new skills and talents along the way. Most people would describe me as organized, responsible, respectful, reliable, hardworking, dedicated, patient, and co-operative. Throughout my academic career I have received a lot of awards and certificates. The irony of it all is that the ones I have received dealt with more people things rather then academics. I enjoy helping others and have always been a leader. I live everyday as it comes, I believe everything happens for a reason... I have no regrets, just lessons learned. Life's to short to be anything but happy :]

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