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Isthar Michell J

Isthar Michell J

Vancouver, 1 reference

Enthusiastic,mature and responsible. Experienced with kids and plans to study a career involving children

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Petsitter

  • Availability Full-time, Occasional, On-call, Part-time

  • Shifts Flexible/anytime, Overnight, Weekdays, Weeknights

  • About Me

    I love children and I enjoy taking care of them. Children are my inspiration, therefore I want to pursue a career in children education, etc. I'm very outgoing and easy to get along with. I'm very patient as well and able to handle things and have things under control

    • Education: Some college
  • Qualifications
    • Basics
    • Skills
    • Extra
  • References

    Isthar Michell has 1 reference available

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